

Roasted Broccoli

One thing I really enjoy is going to a good yoga class...which I did tonight.  Another thing I enjoy is coming home afterwards and having a super simple dinner.  I must give you a fair warning: this recipe is sooo easy and delicious and healthy.  It is modeled after a dish I  mentioned previously, from one of our favorite restaurants in town called Black Bottle.  So whenever I fix this dish, I call it Black Bottle Broccoli because I have spent about two years trying to recreate it. 

Every time I go in, I ask a different person how they make it.  It seems to vary person to person, but one common theme is that they use a convection oven, which I do not have.  So instead I roast it.  The usual suspects for flavoring are lots of garlic powder, salt and pepper.  Sometimes I use cayenne for a little extra something.  Lemon zest would be a nice tangy touch too.  You can also use a bag of pre-cut broccoli to make it simpler.  We usually split this and a flat bread pizza or chicken drums with a glass of red wine.  Or sometimes just have this as a beginning or end of the night dish. 

Roasted Broccoli
Re-created from Black Bottle's 'Broccoli Blasted'
Yields about 1-2 cups

1 Bunch broccoli, or bag of pre-cut broccoli
2 Tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp salt

Preheat oven to 425 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.   Cut off the broccoli florets and chop into small and medium pieces.  Wash and let drain in a colander.  In a large bowl, coat the broccoli with half of the olive oil, garlic powder, pepper and salt.  Toss with hands to fully cover the broccoli.  Repeat with the remaining half of ingredients, so everything is evenly coated.  This is a basic recipe, so add any other flavoring you wish.

Place on baking sheet and put in oven for 12 minutes.  Toss with tongs and put back in oven for 15 minutes or until broccoli begins to singe and turn dark on the ends.  Serve as an appetizer or side dish to pizza, meat or fish, or bean dish.

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