

Simple Broiled Grapefruit

Whoa it has been over a week since my last posting...and I am so glad to be somewhat back in the swing of things.  It is officially New Year's Eve with a time of 12:28am, so being back in the swing of things probably won't truly start until Monday.  But alas, I am back.  I have been traveling across the country via Texas and Colorado to get to and from Ohio for the holidays.

I was lucky enough to avoid any sort of crazy weather this holiday season.  I purposely chose to avoid any potential snow storms in the northern midwest, so I flew through Texas to get to Ohio...annnnnd success!   Although a little out of the way, Texas was actually a pleasant balmy 67 degrees as I exited the plane. 

But back to the business of food.  We had so much good food over the holidays that I couldn't even begin to list everything off.  Instead, I will highlight it in different posts as we enter into 2011.  Today's entry is going to be short and sweet...literally.

The second to last morning in Ohio, my parents and I went to an early yoga class, and then came home to have a hearty breakfast.  My mom had bought a couple of grapefruit with the idea to broil them for a breakfast appetizer.  What a great way to start the day off after doing at least 50 push-ups in yoga class, which by the way has made my arms sore (in a good painful way) going on two days now. 

The following recipe is so simple.  All my mom did was sprinkle a little sugar on top of the grapefruit and broiled them for about 10 minutes.  You could also add brown sugar to make a carmelized taste.  Or a hint of cinnamon or vanilla extract.  Honey or pure maple syrup would be interesting as well.  Whatever you choose, just add a little bit, so to not overpower the fresh taste of the grapefruit.

We started off by eating the broiled grapefruit, and then complemented the meal with eggs and toast with a vanilla pear spread topped with ground flax seeds.  Out of the three of us, I was the lucky one the get the extra half.  Thanks Mom and Dad!

Simple Broiled Grapefruit

2 grapefruit, cut in half
Sugar to sprinkle

Preheat oven to broil.  Cut the grapefruit in half.  Take a knife to cut around the edges and between the individual slices to make it easier when it comes to eating the grapefruit.  Sprinkle each half with a little bit of sugar.  Place the grapefruit halves on a baking sheet.

Broil for about 10 minutes or until the juice bubbles.  The fruit will rise a little from the peel as it cooks.  Take out of oven and enjoy as a breakfast appetizer!

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